Why it is no longer profiable to build a niche site

Niche sites! Expert briefs! Blogging for profit! Naked truth inside...

That has been talk of internet marketing and making online money for so long, almost a decade plus. Well, successive Google search algorithm updates now ensure that such attempts as getting rich quick on the internet are not getting poor quick schemes.

It went from having $0 and going to $1000 in about 30 sites. Now, if you go the niche way, it will be $1000 to $0 in around a day. Please, there are better ways to spend your money on one site, but have a bigger outlook, and consider people going to use the site.

Nowadays, social media has taken a new form, and pictures are actually links. Hey, not in the traditional way like html links, but links, where every photo you have has a link or a name to your site or your business. Then you go on distributing that photo to every place you think it can be placed. That is just one idea. Many others abound and they tranform the whole niche website building into another level. Talk of podcasts that let your content pass through smartphones as music and talk, allowing your business, or your website to embrace the traditioinal radio model, where there are commercials just before and within a typical podcast. You have heard many of those, its just that up to this moment, you had not thought it possible that your site and your business could be benefiting from the same strategy. Now you know.

The next step...

You have read this far, and have an appetite for understanding more about niche sites, online marketing and the new wave of instant millionaires. Well, it looks like that because whoever is doing it right know a lot about community. How about you take away some of the dollars you were setting aside to launch your business, and use that to sharpen your brain. When it comes to the time for executing, you will be well prepared.

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Enough with the skepticism. I am directing you to a book on blogging that gives you a through fundamental understanding of how the internet works, how people work, and how marketing works. The rest is up to you, but without the three, everything else you do is hogwash.
